Theme: Luck or Confidence?- Will you leave your fate in the hands of destiny or will you step up and say yes to a well-groomed face to be at your best everyday?)
This is my blog submission for the #WillYouShave activity at BlogAdda in association with Gillette.
We all know how important are the first impressions because only a good first impression will determine whether we will get through in the job interview or will have our love proposal accepted by the girl or her family or whether someone will be friends with us. So we need to put our best foot forward and make every possible effort to create a favourable impression on others with our personality traits, while not letting our grooming traits cause anyone to form a negative opinion of us. Only then shall we be able to become unique. One of the most important factors that adds a charm to our personality is cleanliness and that includes a clean shaven face as well. A man needs to be well-groomed, clean and neat on most days like not only should he have well-maintained hair, clean nails and should be smelling good but he also needs to be clean-shaven. Because once a bad impression about us has been made, it becomes very difficult to change it. The first impressions are what paves the way in which people perceive us. So it is extremely important not to commit a mistake because of our grooming habits. Thus men should shave every day.
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Gone are the days when men with a stubble were considered studs and sexy. In the present age, almost every girl prefers a clean shaven man and finds them more charming than an unshaved one. Girls often express their disapproval about unshaved men, they don't find those men appealing at all for they feel men with an unshaved face looks like he hadn't taken a bath since days. He doesn't look fresh.
Well, let me share with you how I almost got rejected by my first crush because I wasn't clean-shaven. I too fell in love, that too at the first sight of Karuna (whom I went on to marry later on). Right from the time I saw her for the first time at school, I was head over heels. I felt like my world had suddenly changed and so did I. She was my classmate, but she was in the commerce stream and I was in science. Though that never mattered much to me, but it was definitely an impediment for me to get to talk to her. There were very few opportunities to meet as well. Except during our maths class i.e.. We used to have a combined class of students from both science and commerce streams. Since I was good in studies and maths had always been my forte, I was Madhu ma'am's (our maths teacher) favourite student. That came as a blessing for me, because whenever Karuna needed any help, Madhu ma'am would recommend me saying that I could help her. All thanks to Madhu ma'am, that is how my friendship with Karuna grew, we started talking more often, and eventually exchanged numbers and started meeting too. Even before one could realise we were in love with each other, though I had already lost my heart to her the first time that I had seen her.
Our courtship continued well beyond our 12th standard, into our college lives. But I felt it was time to take our relationship to the next level, I had to propose her. What could have been a better occasion than her birthday. Though I had rehearsed my lines quite a few times but I was pretty nervous from inside. What if she says No? I couldn't have taken a chance. So I took every care to look my best, more so, to have a clean-shaven look, Because she had once said that to me, that she always preferred clean-shaven men. I called her up, asked her out for a date and took her the Garden Inn restaurant, which was coincidentally her favourite. She had no inkling of what was in store for her, whereas I had started feeling anxious. But taking a deep breath, I bowed down before her and taking her hands into mine and with a ring, I said those magical words to her, "I love you, Karuna. Will you marry me?" She was taken by surprise obviously, but was equally happy too. With a loud yes, she sealed my love.
Later on, she disclosed that had I been in my usual scruffy look which I felt looked cool on me, she could have rejected me. Phew. So my advice to all guys out there, do not take your looks and the ladies in your lives for granted. Girls always prefer clean-shaven men, so do make sure that when you are with them, you look well-groomed, prim and proper.