Manav was the youngest among his three brothers and as it often happens, he continued to be babied by everyone even when he had reached adulthood. He was pampered and adored by his parents and siblings so much that he grew up to be casual about life. He had got used to being treated as a prince so much that he believed he didn't have to do anything ever to earn a living and that his father and his brothers earned enough to meet everyone's needs. His father Seth Dhanpath Rai was a wealthy businessman but he had wanted all of his sons to carve their own futures, to stand on their own feet, to be independent. While he was happy with the progress that his sons had made in their lives, he wasn't too happy with Manav's attitude towards life and his career. He realised what a blunder he had committed by never giving any responsibility to Manav while he was still young. All of his other brothers had chosen their own ways and were already earning whereas Manav spent all his time at home doing nothing. He was never really interested in studies anyway but somehow managed to complete his graduation. However he didn't like the idea of doing a job - working for someone else. He would always find one excuse or the other for not attending a job interview that his father would have arranged for him.
However things slowly began to change when his brother got married and their wives came into the family. Since Manav didn't do any work, no body took him seriously. They would often overlook and ignore him. He did feel hurt at times but never enough to start doing something. He needed a hard blow from life and he got that when his father suffered a heart-stroke and his body got partially paralysed. Thus he remained bedridden and the people whom Dhanpath Rai had always trusted, cheated him. Taking advantage of the situation, they usurped his entire business. If that was not enough, suddenly even the attitude of his own sons (barring Manav) and his daughter-in-laws changed over-night. Instead of staying together during the time of crisis, they decided to divide their father's wealth among themselves so that after taking their share, they could go and live separately. However they left no share for Manav as they felt he had never worked or earned anything to deserve a share in the property. They weren't ready to take the responsibility of their ailing father either and assigned that duty to Manav. Thus Manav and his parents were left with only the house that his father had built for them.
His father's illness coupled with his brother's selfishness shook him up badly. He felt cheated by his brothers's attitude, not because they didn't give him a share in the property but because he could never imagine that his own brothers would turn out to be so selfish as to leave their ailing father on his own! But instead of dwelling over it, he took it upon himself to look after his parents. He chose to become responsible for them as well for himself. Immediately he started looking for a job but without much luck. Since he was totally inexperienced, he always met with disappointment. No one even gave him a chance to prove himself. Still he didn't give up and continued searching for a job. The first job that he got was that of a helper at a cloth factory. Though his work entailed menial tasks for which he was given quite a low pay, but he didn't complain. He worked hard at it anyway but he was still looking for a permanent job. Finally after much struggle, he landed up with a fairly good job, that of a store-keeper at a bookshop. The salary that was promised to him was only decent enough but more than the money, he was happy to have a fresh start. He worked there sincerely for about five years but then he decided that it was time for him to start his own business. While working at the book-shop, he had learned quite a bit about the business and he had also managed to save some money from his salary every month in all those years. So using his savings and taking a loan from the bank, he rented an office space and started his own book cafe - a bookshop-cum-coffee shop! He continued to work hard and it didn't take long for the cafe to become a huge success. His parents too were very happy to see their son become so responsible.
Thus it's never too late to start from scratch. If one really works hard at it, success is bound to come.

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(This has been written for "Start a new life" for Visit their website to know more about them)