Of all other things that I can recall from my teenage years, the memories of my battles with one particular skin problem remain etched deep within my psyche -- pimples! Yes, just like women, men too face skin problems like acne, pimples, dark spots etc. I too had been troubled by pimples during my adolescent years. They had given me so many sleepless nights. In fact at one point in time, the situation had turned so worse that it seemed as if pimples and I were inseparable. For far too long, I remained so depressed about it.
Though pimples are a common problem faced by almost everyone during their teenage time due to the production of the growth hormones but in my case, there was another major factor too that was causing their regular outbreak -- my oily skin. The accumulation of excess oil on the face can cause several skin infections. I have always had an oily skin and it used to become worse during the summers. Add to that, since I also used to spend quite a lot of time on the cricket field during the day time for my practice sessions, my skin used to get bombarded with dust, dirt and other airborne pollutants all day long. They would get trapped on my oily skin, contributing to clogging of the skin pores and thus caused the pimples and acne to breakout. Also the oilier the skin, the dirtier the skin looks.
I can recall vividly how I used to make rounds of the skin doctors every other week and had tried all sorts of medical treatments, creams and potions that I could get my hands on. But the pimples were so stubborn that nothing seemed to work on them. However much I tried to get rid of them, they would simply not go away. Instead they would come back on the face at some other place! That used to be so demoralizing. I was losing my self-confidence bit by bit every single day. I would want to hide and not go out of my house and meet anyone.
That was when my aunt came to know about my problem and suggested me to try a home-remedy. My aunt has always believed in the power of Ayurveda and naturopathy and she was sure that her suggested method of apple, mint leaves, yogurt and lemon juice face pack would help me in combating greasy skin and that would in turn help me in preventing any further acne flare-ups. Initially I wasn't too eager about her "desi" method but then since I had already tried out almost all allopathic treatments without any positive result, I thought of giving her face pack a try. As per her method, I needed to take a few tablespoons of grated apple and mix them with thick plain curd, a paste of mint leaves and a teaspoon of lemon juice to form a smooth face pack. Then that paste was to be applied all over my face gently and after the face pack had dried up, I could wash it off with lukewarm water after fifteen to twenty minutes. Oh, boy, did it not work? I couldn't believe my eyes after seeing the results. Just after the first wash, my skin felt so clean and fresh. The grated apple in the paste worked as a great exfoliator, not only would it remove all the dead skin cells from my face but also absorbed all excess oil from my skin. Thus my skin would feel very clean. Mint contains sallicylic acid and so is very effective in curing the pimple problem and preventing its recurrence. The curd in the paste worked as a moisturizer whereas the lemon juice helped in restoring the skin’s pH balance. Thus as I started applying this face pack regularly, gradually the pimple outbreaks became lesser and lesser until a day came when I had no pimple on my face!
However the scars remained, though the pimples were no longer there to trouble me but they had left behind dark spots which were an eye sore. My aunt had an answer for that too. She suggested me another face pack for removing the dark spots and scars - the honey and cornstarch face pack. About a teaspoon of honey and an equal amount of corn starch were to be taken and mixed together to form a smooth paste and that was to be applied on the face and then washed off. Honey is known to be very effective in getting rid of the pimple marks quite fast and it repairs the skin tone as well. The face pack worked in my case as well. Within three months, my skin became blemish free and spotless!
But since I continued to spend half of my day time on the cricket field and so was exposed to the pollutants every day, I had to continue with the face packs to keep my skin clean and clear and to prevent any further breakout of pimples. However with the hectic routine that I followed, it was not easy to prepare and apply those face packs every day. My aunt then suggested me to use Vicco turmeric cream and said that it would be as effective in fighting my pimple problem as the face packs that I was using earlier. She was so true. Vicco turmeric cream has been prepared using an Ayurvedic formula and the microbicidal properties of turmeric in it is very effective in preventing and curing pimples, blackheads and oily skin. Since then I have been using it and it has helped me in keeping my face pimple-free. It is also extremely useful in curing other skin infections, in healing cuts and wounds, and can also be applied for treating minor burns as well. Applying it regularly will result in a healthier and glowing skin!
[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8bSd88MNWz8]
P.S. - Photo Source - www.teens.webmd.com
(This has been written for “Vicco Turmeric Cream“. Visit the Vicco Labs website http://www.viccolabs.com/product-turmeric-cream-with-foam-base.php to know more about the natural skin care products)